Civil Procedure Code with brief explanations

  1. Jurisdiction (Section 9): The power of a court to hear and decide a case.
  2. Cause of Action (Section 20): The legal basis for a plaintiff's claim against a defendant.
  3. Parties to a suit (Section 2(1)(p)): The individuals or entities involved in a legal case, including plaintiffs, defendants, and any other relevant parties.
  4. Pleadings (Order VI): The written documents filed by the parties in a legal case, including complaints, answers, and motions.
  5. Discovery (Order XI): The process of obtaining evidence from the other party in a legal case, including depositions, interrogatories, and requests for documents.
  6. Summary Judgment (Order XIII-A): A decision by a court to end a case before trial if there are no material facts in dispute and one party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.
  7. Default Judgment (Order VIII): A judgment entered against a party who fails to appear or otherwise defend against a legal claim.
  8. Joinder of Parties (Order I Rule 10): The process of adding additional parties to a legal case.
  9. Amendment of Pleadings (Order VI Rule 17): The process of changing the written documents filed by the parties in a legal case.
  10. Service of Process (Order V): The delivery of legal documents to a party in a legal case.
  11. Interlocutory Orders (Section 2(1)(r)): Orders issued by a court during the course of a legal case, which are not final and do not dispose of the case.
  12. Pre-trial Conference (Order X): A conference between the parties and the court before trial to discuss the case and explore settlement options.
  13. Counter-claim (Order VIII Rule 6): A claim made by a defendant against a plaintiff in the same legal case.
  14. Res Judicata (Section 11): The principle that a matter that has been adjudicated by a competent court cannot be litigated again between the same parties.
  15. Review (Section 114): The process of asking a higher court to re-examine a lower court's decision.
  16. Appeal (Section 96): The process of asking a higher court to review a lower court's decision.
  17. Execution (Order XXI): The process of enforcing a court's judgment or order.
  18. Stay of Proceedings (Section 10): A court's order to temporarily halt a legal case.
  19. Interpleader (Order XXXV): A legal procedure in which a third party seeks to have two or more other parties litigate a claim between themselves.
  20. Injunctions (Section 37): A court's order to prohibit or require certain actions by a party in a legal case.
  21. Temporary Injunctions (Order XXXIX): A court's order to prohibit or require certain actions by a party in a legal case until the final judgment is made.
  22. Perpetual Injunctions (Section 38): A court's order to prohibit or require certain actions by a party in a legal case indefinitely.
  23. Attachment (Order XXVIII): The process of seizing a defendant's property as security for a court's judgment or order.
  24. Appointment of Receivers (Order XL): The court's appointment of a third party to manage and dispose of property subject to a legal dispute.
  25. Arrest and Detention (Order XXI): The process of apprehending and holding a person in custody as security for a court's judgment or order.
  26. Limitation of Suits (Section 3): The time limit within which a legal action can be initiated.
  27. Reference to High Court (Section 113): A court's power to refer a question of law to a higher court for its opinion.
  28. Review of Judgments or Orders by High Court (Section 115): The power of a high court to review the judgments or orders of subordinate courts.
  29. Review of Judgments or Orders by Supreme Court (Article 137): The power of the Supreme Court to review the judgments or orders of high courts.
  30. Public Interest Litigation (PIL) (Article 32 and 226): A legal action initiated by a public-spirited person or organization to enforce the rights of the public or to seek redressal for public grievances.
  31. Withdrawal and Compromise of Suits (Order XXIII): The process of voluntarily ending a legal case by the parties involved.
  32. Minor's Suits (Order XXXII): The procedure for initiating and conducting legal proceedings on behalf of a minor.
  33. Judgment and Decree (Order XX): The court's final decision in a legal case, which includes a statement of the rights and obligations of the parties involved.
  34. Decree against Legal Representatives (Order XXX): A court's order to enforce a judgment or decree against the legal representative of a deceased person.
  35. Payment into Court (Order XXIII-A): The process of depositing money with the court to settle a legal dispute.
  36. Issue of Commission (Order XXVI): The court's power to appoint a commission to examine witnesses or take evidence in a legal case.
  37. Compensatory Costs (Section 35): The court's power to order a party to pay the other party's costs in a legal case.
  38. Interest (Section 34): The court's power to award interest on the amount of damages or compensation awarded in a legal case.
  39. Security for Costs (Order XXV): The court's power to require a party to provide security for the other party's costs in a legal case.
  40. Caveat (Section 148-A): A notice filed with a court to prevent an ex-parte order or judgment from being passed in a legal case.
  41. Examination of Parties (Order X): The court's power to examine parties in a legal case to elicit evidence.
  42. Settlement of Disputes Outside Court (Section 89): The court's power to refer a dispute to mediation, arbitration, or conciliation to facilitate a settlement outside of court.
  43. Remand (Section 144): The court's power to send a case back to a lower court for further proceedings.
  44. Interlocutory Injunctions (Order XXXIX): A court's order to prohibit or require certain actions by a party in a legal case temporarily.
  45. Amendment of Decrees (Section 152): The court's power to correct errors in its own judgment or decree.
  46. Judgment on Admissions (Order XII): A court's power to issue a judgment based on admissions made by a party in a legal case.
  47. Ex-parte Proceedings (Order IX): A legal proceeding in which one party is absent or fails to participate.
  48. Compromise of Disputes (Section 96): The court's power to allow parties to a legal case to settle their dispute out of court.
  49. Transfer of Suits (Section 24): The court's power to transfer a legal case from one court to another court of competent jurisdiction.